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آموزش رایگان مکالمات زبان انگلیسی سطح ابتدایی #۴۳

آموزش مکالمات زبان انگلیسی سطح ابتدایی #43

سری آموزش رایگان مکالمات سطح بندی شده زبان انگلیسی یک مجموعه رایگان و سه سطحی از مکالمات زبان انگلیسی است که توسط وبسایت کاردوآنلاین برای شما تنظیم شده است. دروس این مجموعه آموزشی از فایل صوتی و متن مکالمات و معنی کلمات جدید تشکیل شده است. فایل های صوتی این سری مکالمات را می توانید به صورت رایگان و آنلاین گوش کنید و دانلود کنید. متن مکالمات را نیز در همین قسمت برای شما تنظیم کرده ایم. امیدواریم که این سری آموزشی نیز مورد توجه شما عزیزان قرار بگیرد. لیست کامل این تمامی دروس مربوط به این سری آموزشی را می توانید در مطلب بانک مکالمات زبان انگلیسی سطح بندی شده مشاهده کنید.

Private Language Tutor

Nick: Hi. Uh, are you Sarah?

The Big Sister: No, I’m not. I’m her older sister.

Nick: Well, I’m here to talk to . . .

The Big Sister: I . . . I know why you’re here.

Nick: Good. Uh, Is Sarah here?

The Big Sister: Um, first, I have a couple questions, and you [had] better answer them. What is your name?

Nick: Wha . . . umm, my name? Uh, I’m Nick . . .

The Big Sister: Uh, I thought so. Where are you from?

Nick: Um. I’m from Brownsville. Why are you asking me . . .

The Big Sister: Okay. How old are you?

Nick: What!?

The Big Sister: How old are you?

NickDoes that matter?

The Big Sister: Of course, it matters. I wouldn’t be asking otherwise.

Nick: Really?

The Big Sister: Really. Yeah. Sarah’s only 19.

Nick: Ugh! Okay, I’m 22. Now, is Sarah here?

The Big Sister: Where did you first meet Sarah and why do you like her so much?

Nick: Like her? What do you mean? I’ve only met her once in . . .

The Big Sister: Don’t lie to me, Nick.

Nick: Are you sure you have the right guy? Li . . . . Are you sure? [Yeah, I’m sure, I’m sure.] Li . . . Listen. I’m leaving. I don’t need the money THAT much.

The Big Sister: What?! Money? Wait! Wait! What do you mean money?

Nick: Listen. I’m a teaching assistant at the university, and I met Sarah in the Spanish class last week. She asked me if I could teach her, you know, help her with her class.

The Big Sister: So, you’re not Nick Roberts, that guy that drives that crazy motorcycle? [No!] The one with the large tattoo of a snake across his back?

Nick: No! What? You’ve got the wrong guy. I’m leaving. This whole thing is crazy.


  • had better? (modal of advice): have to, must, with a feeling of possible negative consequences 
    – You had better find a private teacher and start studying more, or you will fail the class.
  • something matters (verb): something is important and makes a difference 
    – Good study habits matter in learning and passing classes.
  • once (adverb): one time 
    – I had a great teacher once, and she taught the subject very clearly.
  • lie (verb): not tell the truth 
    – Brandon lied and said he took lessons from a private French teacher, but he can’t even say hello in the language.
  • guy (noun): informal for person, usually a man 
    – That guy is a real good language tutor if you need help with your Chinese.
  • whole (adjective): full, complete, used to emphasize the noun 
    – I did poorly on the whole test.

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